Tag: Mortgage

Getting preapproved for a mortgage: How buyers benefit
Posted on 10/26/2022
Getting preapproved for a mortgage: How buyers benefit
Getting preapproved for a mortgage is an important part of the home buying process. While technically not required before you begin your home search, there are some key advantages to getting preapproval from a lender before you get too deep into the process. Here are some of the main reasons why to consider getting preapproved for a mortgage:...
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Financing with a Mortgage Lender
Posted on 09/15/2021
Financing with a Mortgage Lender
Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash When financing a home purchase, one of the most basic decisions to make is where to get your mortgage from. The basic options are whether you should go to a mortgage lender or not. Financing with a mortgage lender has both pros and cons. Pro: Many Loan Options If you go to a...
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How a Land Contract Differs from a Mortgage
Posted on 09/08/2021
How a Land Contract Differs from a Mortgage
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay A land contract and a mortgage have a number of similarities. For example, you can use either option to purchase a home Both loans must be repaid on a monthly basis. Understanding the Differences A land contract is a legal agreement between a buyer and a seller. Rather than a traditional mortgage...
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